


来源 :华课网校 2024-08-07 01:09:42


1. 贴春联:春联是写有吉祥话语的红色条幅,通常贴在门上或墙壁上。这是为了祈求幸福、健康和好运。

2. 贴窗花:窗花是用红纸或塑料制成的各种形状的图案,用于装饰窗户。它们代表着春节的喜庆气氛。

3. 拜年:在春节期间,人们会互相拜年,向长辈和亲戚朋友问候。一般来说,辈分越高的人越应该先行拜年。

4. 红包:红包是装有钱的红色信封,通常是长辈给年轻人的春节礼物。它的金额应该是偶数,因为奇数被认为是不吉利的。

5. 吃年夜饭:年夜饭是春节期间最重要的一餐,家人会在一起吃团圆饭。菜肴应该丰富多样,代表着吉祥和团圆。

6. 祭祖:在春节期间,人们会祭祀祖先,以表达对他们的尊敬和感激。这通常是在家中的祖先神龛前进行的。

7. 点燃爆竹:在中国,点燃爆竹是春节期间的传统习俗。这是为了赶走邪恶的精灵,迎来吉祥和好运。

Spring Festival is the most important traditional festival in China and a festival celebrated by Chinese people all over the world. During the Spring Festival, etiquette is very important because it involves interactions between family, relatives, and friends, as well as ceremonies for ancestor worship and deities. Here are some aspects of Spring Festival etiquette:

1. Posting Spring Festival couplets: Spring Festival couplets are red banners with auspicious phrases written on them, usually posted on doors or walls. This is done to pray for happiness, health, and good luck.

2. Posting window decorations: Window decorations are various shapes and patterns made of red paper or plastic, used to decorate windows. They represent the festive atmosphere of the Spring Festival.

3. Paying New Year's visits: During the Spring Festival, people pay New Year's visits to each other to exchange greetings with elders, relatives, and friends. Generally, people of higher rank should be visited first.

4. Red envelopes: Red envelopes are red envelopes containing money, usually given by elders to young people as a Spring Festival gift. The amount should be an even number because odd numbers are considered unlucky.

5. Having a reunion dinner: The reunion dinner is the most important meal during the Spring Festival, and families gather together to eat. The dishes should be diverse, representing auspiciousness and reunion.

6. Ancestral worship: During the Spring Festival, people worship their ancestors to express respect and gratitude. This is usually done in front of the family's ancestral altar.

7. Setting off firecrackers: In China, setting off firecrackers is a traditional custom during the Spring Festival. This is done to drive away evil spirits and welcome good luck.




