


来源 :华课网校 2024-08-11 09:01:00

The Chinese Valentine's Day – Legends and Historical Events

The Chinese Valentine's Day, also known as Qixi Festival, is a traditional festival celebrated on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month. It has a history of over 2000 years and is a day for lovers to express their love and affection towards each other. In this article, we will explore the legends and historical events related to the Chinese Valentine's Day.

Legend of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl

One of the most famous legends associated with Qixi Festival is the legend of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl. According to the legend, there was a cowherd named Niulang who fell in love with a beautiful weaver girl named Zhinu. They got married and lived happily together, but unfortunately, the Goddess of Heaven found out and separated them by creating the Milky Way between them. They were only allowed to meet once a year on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month when magpies formed a bridge across the Milky Way for them to reunite.

Historical Events

Apart from the legends, there are also some historical events related to the Chinese Valentine's Day. During the Han Dynasty (206 BC – 220 AD), the Qixi Festival was celebrated as a day for women to showcase their skills in needlework and embroidery. It was also a day for unmarried women to pray for a good husband and a happy marriage.

In the Tang Dynasty (618 – 907 AD), the Qixi Festival became more popular among the literati and poets. Many famous poets, such as Li Bai and Du Fu, wrote poems about the festival and its significance.

Today, the Qixi Festival is still celebrated in China and other parts of the world. It is a day for lovers to exchange gifts and express their love for each other. Many people also celebrate by eating special foods, such as Qiaoguo (a type of dumpling) and drinking Qixi wine.


The Chinese Valentine's Day is a festival with a rich history and many legends associated with it. From the legend of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl to the historical events during the Han and Tang dynasties, the Qixi Festival has played an important role in Chinese culture for over 2000 years.




