


来源 :华课网校 2024-08-01 08:46:16


1. The book that I borrowed from the library is very interesting. (我从图书馆借来的那本书非常有趣。)

在这个句子中,定语从句“that I borrowed from the library”修饰名词“book”。

2. The girl who is wearing a red dress is my sister. (穿红色裙子的女孩是我的妹妹。)

在这个句子中,定语从句“who is wearing a red dress”修饰名词“girl”。

3. The man whose car was stolen reported it to the police. (车被盗的那个男人报警了。)

在这个句子中,定语从句“whose car was stolen”修饰名词“man”。

4. The house where I grew up is now a museum. (我成长的那个房子现在成了博物馆。)

在这个句子中,定语从句“where I grew up”修饰名词“house”。

5. The movie that we saw last night was really scary. (昨晚我们看的那部电影非常吓人。)

在这个句子中,定语从句“that we saw last night”修饰名词“movie”。

6. The teacher who taught us math is retiring. (教我们数学的那位老师要退休了。)

在这个句子中,定语从句“who taught us math”修饰名词“teacher”。

7. The woman whom I met at the party was very friendly. (在派对上我遇到的那个女人非常友好。)

在这个句子中,定语从句“whom I met at the party”修饰名词“woman”。

8. The restaurant that serves the best pizza in town is always crowded. (镇上最好吃的披萨店总是很拥挤。)

在这个句子中,定语从句“that serves the best pizza in town”修饰名词“restaurant”。

9. The boy whose father is a doctor wants to be a doctor too. (那个男孩的父亲是医生,他也想成为医生。)

在这个句子中,定语从句“whose father is a doctor”修饰名词“boy”。

10. The city where I was born is very beautiful. (我出生的那个城市非常美丽。)

在这个句子中,定语从句“where I was born”修饰名词“city”。

11. The book that I just finished reading was very interesting. (我刚读完的那本书非常有趣。)

在这个句子中,定语从句“that I just finished reading”修饰名词“book”。

12. The woman who lives next door is a doctor. (住在隔壁的那个女人是一位医生。)

在这个句子中,定语从句“who lives next door”修饰名词“woman”。

13. The car that I bought last year is very reliable. (我去年买的那辆车非常可靠。)

在这个句子中,定语从句“that I bought last year”修饰名词“car”。

14. The man whom I saw at the store was my boss. (我在商店里看到的那个男人是我的老板。)

在这个句子中,定语从句“whom I saw at the store”修饰名词“man”。

15. The restaurant where we had dinner was very expensive. (我们晚餐的那家餐厅非常昂贵。)

在这个句子中,定语从句“where we had dinner”修饰名词“restaurant”。

16. The doctor who treated me was very kind. (治疗我的那位医生非常友善。)

在这个句子中,定语从句“who treated me”修饰名词“doctor”。

17. The movie that won the Oscar is now available on DVD. (获得奥斯卡的那部电影现在可以在DVD上看到。)

在这个句子中,定语从句“that won the Oscar”修饰名词“movie”。

18. The man whose wife is a lawyer is a teacher. (那个男人的妻子是律师,他自己是一名教师。)

在这个句子中,定语从句“whose wife is a lawyer”修饰名词“man”。

19. The city that I visited last summer was very hot. (我去年夏天参观的那个城市非常炎热。)

在这个句子中,定语从句“that I visited last summer”修饰名词“city”。

20. The boy who won the prize is my cousin. (获奖的那个男孩是我的表弟。)

在这个句子中,定语从句“who won the prize”修饰名词“boy”。

21. The book that I recommended to you is very informative. (我向你推荐的那本书非常有启发性。)

在这个句子中,定语从句“that I recommended to you”修饰名词“book”。

22. The woman whom I admire is a successful businesswoman. (我钦佩的那个女人是一位成功的商业女性。)

在这个句子中,定语从句“whom I admire”修饰名词“woman”。

23. The city where we will spend our vacation is very beautiful. (我们将度假的那个城市非常美丽。)

在这个句子中,定语从句“where we will spend our vacation”修饰名词“city”。

24. The car that I rented for the weekend was very expensive. (我周末租的那辆车非常昂贵。)

在这个句子中,定语从句“that I rented for the weekend”修饰名词“car”。

25. The man who sold me the ticket was very friendly. (卖给我票的那个男人非常友善。)

在这个句子中,定语从句“who sold me the ticket”修饰名词“man”。

26. The restaurant that we went to last night had great food. (昨晚我们去的那家餐厅有很棒的食物。)

在这个句子中,定语从句“that we went to last night”修饰名词“restaurant”。

27. The woman whose daughter is my student is a nurse. (那个女人的女儿是我的学生,她自己是一名护士。)

在这个句子中,定语从句“whose daughter is my student”修饰名词“woman”。

28. The city that I used to live in is very different now. (我曾经居住的那个城市现在非常不同。)

在这个句子中,定语从句“that I used to live in”修饰名词“city”。

29. The boy who broke the window will have to pay for it. (打破窗户的那个男孩将不得不赔偿。)

在这个句子中,定语从句“who broke the window”修饰名词“boy”。

30. The book that I lent to you is very informative. (我借给你的那本书非常有启发性。)

在这个句子中,定语从句“that I lent to you”修饰名词“book”。

31. The man whom I met at the conference is a CEO. (我在会议上遇到的那个男人是一位首席执行官。)

在这个句子中,定语从句“whom I met at the conference”修饰名词“man”。

32. The city where we had our honeymoon is very romantic. (我们度蜜月的那个城市非常浪漫。)

在这个句子中,定语从句“where we had our honeymoon”修饰名词“city”。

33. The car that I saw on the street was very expensive. (在街上看到的那辆车非常昂贵。)

在这个句子中,定语从句“that I saw on the street”修饰名词“car”。

34. The woman who is sitting next to me is my friend. (坐在我旁边的那个女人是我的朋友。)

在这个句子中,定语从句“who is sitting next to me”修饰名词“woman”。

35. The movie that we watched last night was very funny. (昨晚我们看的那部电影非常有趣。)

在这个句子中,定语从句“that we watched last night”修饰名词“movie”。

36. The boy whose mother is a teacher is very smart. (那个男孩的母亲是一名教师,他自己非常聪明。)

在这个句子中,定语从句“whose mother is a teacher”修饰名词“boy”。

37. The city that I want to visit next is very historic. (我想要参观的下一个城市非常有历史意义。)

在这个句子中,定语从句“that I want to visit next”修饰名词“city”。

38. The book that I read last month was very inspiring. (我上个月读的那本书非常鼓舞人心。)

在这个句子中,定语从句“that I read last month”修饰名词“book”。

39. The man who is wearing a blue shirt is my brother. (穿蓝色衬衫的那个男人是我的兄弟。)

在这个句子中,定语从句“who is wearing a blue shirt”修饰名词“man”。

40. The city where I met my wife is very special to me. (我和妻子相遇的那个城市对我来说非常特别。)

在这个句子中,定语从句“where I met my wife”修饰名词“city”。

41. The car that I drove last week was very fast. (我上周开的那辆车非常快。)

在这个句子中,定语从句“that I drove last week”修饰名词“car”。

42. The woman whom I interviewed for the job was very qualified. (我面试的那个女人非常有资格。)

在这个句子中,定语从句“whom I interviewed for the job”修饰名词“woman”。

43. The movie that we saw together was very romantic. (我们一起看的那部电影非常浪漫。)

在这个句子中,定语从句“that we saw together”修饰名词“movie”。

44. The boy who is playing basketball is very tall. (打篮球的那个男孩非常高。)

在这个句子中,定语从句“who is playing basketball”修饰名词“boy”。

45. The city that I am living in now is very modern. (我现在居住的那个城市非常现代化。)

在这个句子中,定语从句“that I am living in now”修饰名词“city”。

46. The book that I bought yesterday was very expensive. (我昨天买的那本书非常昂贵。)

在这个句子中,定语从句“that I bought yesterday”修饰名词“book”。

47. The man who came to fix the roof was very efficient. (来修理屋顶的那个男人非常高效。)

在这个句子中,定语从句“who came to fix the roof”修饰名词“man”。

48. The restaurant where we had our first date is very special to us. (我们第一次约会的那家餐厅对我们来说非常特别。)

在这个句子中,定语从句“where we had our first date”修饰名词“restaurant”。

49. The woman whose son is my student is a lawyer. (那个女人的儿子是我的学生,她自己是一名律师。)

在这个句子中,定语从句“whose son is my student”修饰名词“woman”。

50. The city that I visited on my honeymoon is very romantic. (我度蜜月时参观的那个城市非常浪漫。)

在这个句子中,定语从句“that I visited on my honeymoon”修饰名词“city”。




